Raising Strong Girls

In a world of fierce competition, a girl needs to know who she is.  Everyday voices  tell her who she is not, and measuring up to a false expectation is truth.  Yet, deep within she needs to know the power of her inner strength, and SHINE without hesitation.  Because the world needs more strong girls who raise their voices against injustice, using their strength to fight for humanity instead of being ‘mainstreamed.’


Somewhere around the globe a little girl is wondering what she will be when she grows up.  Will she get married, go to college, have children, be a mommy, become a doctor, a teacher, veterinarian, ballerina or whatever else her little heart can dream up, and the list is endless.

And maybe for this little girl her dream will come true. 

74784430_10157377752696131_8374527396396662784_nFor some the dream will take on a whole different meaning and she will face adversity.  She will see the world differently and begin to understand the meaning of inequality.  She will be challenged beyond her ability, so she thinks, and often want to shy away from dealing with perseverance.

She will have to make a choice whether to stay true to herself or begin to live in a false reality.  And whichever she chooses inner STRENGTH will have to rise from within.

She Will Have To Be Strong!

Strength takes on many forms, and for each individual it looks so very different.  Strength is knowing the weakness of self, focusing on what is, forgetting what is not, with always moving forward.

  1. Help her find her voice by letting her make small decisions.  A critical thinking skill best used when consequences to actions are minuscule.
  2. Pursue dreams and passions with purpose.  Focus on what she really enjoys, channeling all her energy into that one pursuit.
  3. Encourage risk taking by being her biggest example.  Leading by example is more often caught than taught.  Girls can be hesitant with risk taking if they already feel they will fail.  Set them up for little successes, so when the bigger risks come along they will feel prepared.
  4. Identify values, begin asking her what is the worth of looking, acting, being a certain way?  Even when they are little ask them how something will make them feel and begin processing their emotions.
  5. Let them dream bigger than they are.  THIS is huge for girls who feel defeated before even trying.  Never discourage little or big girls from her authentic dream, no matter what. 
  6. Teach girls when to ‘cry and when to fight.’  So often emotions become out of control too quickly and girls need help discerning the difference in being assertive or passive.
  7. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.  Girls who understand their limitations are not hindered when needing help.  They feel confident in who they are and work alongside the person assisting them.
  8. Other girls are not the enemy!  Yes there are definitely some mean girls out in the world, but a strong girl knows to encourage not discourage, love instead of hate, and kill all negativity with kindness.
  9. Push her beyond what she thinks she can accomplish.  Her ability may be limited today, but tomorrow may be the day to reach for the stars!  Sometimes all it takes is someone giving an idea or comment which sparks a new interest.
  10. Enjoy who she is, for one day she will be all grown-up.  Everything she has learned will be part of who she will become, yet forever your little girl!


Believing in who she is ultimately builds strength of character inside and out, and  deters any erroneous voices.  Raise her to SHINE among the thorns knowing she is STRONG, POWERFUL and VOCALIZES concern when given reason to.

The world is waiting for these little girls to grow-up and be influencers of change. Against all odds teach her to be an inspiration for another girl around her!

~~Simply Passionate~~   

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